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Integrated Farming System

Integrated Farming System (IFS) is a strategy for joint management of farming practices in which agriculture can be integrated with livestock, poultry, fish, etc. all at the same place to increase productivity per unit area, for better utilization of resources, enable recycling of farm wastes, reduce risks, get additional income, and generate employment all-round the year.

IFS combines the best of modern tools and technologies with traditional farming practices based on the site conditions. Small and marginal farmers benefit the most out of IFS as it permits wider crop rotations and thus reduces dependence on chemicals, allows diversification for better risk management, reuses waste material and enables usage of family labour.


  • Maximization of yield
  • Rejuvenation of the system’s productivity and achieve agro-ecological equilibrium
  • Avoid build-up of insects-pests, diseases and weeds
  • Reducing the use of chemicals to provide chemical-free healthy produce
  • Increase Productivity
  • Maximization of Profitability
  • Sustainability
  • Environmental safety
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